B.E.STAT European ESD comptence centre

The B.E.STAT European ESD comptence centre was founded in 1994 and is now one of the leading and most competent ESD companies not only in Europe but worldwide. For over 30 years Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Berndt, managing director of the B.E.STAT European ESD competence center, has been working in this special field “ESD” and has an extensive experience as a valued partner of the industry at home and abroad.

In recent years, the international recognition could not at least achieved especially by the increasing implementation of company audits, both in North America and Asia as well as in European countries.

Moreover, bear the investments in symposia with presentations at trade shows and corporate meetings to Europe, North America, Asia and Australia, to the worldwide acceptance of the group.
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B.E.STAT group© – Expertise

B.E.STAT European ESD competence center
Technical expertise – managing director Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Berndt

Mr. Hartmut Berndt (graduate engineer for “Physics and Electronic Components”) has more than 30 years of professional experience in electronics and electrostatics – influencing electronic components and assemblies by electrostatic stresses

1981 – 1986
Management of the technological center “electrostatics” Dresden / Erfurt

since 1991
Head of Technical Committee 7.3 “ESD” the GMM (VDE / VDI Society for Microelectronics, Microsystems and Precision Engineering)

since 1995/1997
Participation as an expert in national and international standardization bodies (IEC and DIN) Continue reading B.E.STAT group© – Expertise

B.E.STAT group© – company history

March 1994

Establishing the B.E.STAT group© by Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Berndt under its former name “B.E.STAT Elektronik Elektrostatik” based in Seelze (Hannover)


Moving to new premises in Kesselsdorf (Dresden)


Outsourcing the service area and separation from the B.E.STAT electronics electrostatics – the B.E.STAT European ESD competence center was created


Establishing the B.E.STAT Elektronik Elektrostatik GmbH, partners: Dipl.-Ing. Uta Berndt and Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Berndt


Now, two independent companies exist under the umbrella of B.E.STAT group©:

  • B.E.STAT Elektronik Elektrostatik GmbH
  • B.E.STAT European ESD competence center

fall 2007

Moving to bigger premises and hence an increase in warehouse and office capacity on a total of approximately 1000 qm


The B.E.STAT Elektronik Elektrostatik GmbH started in 2008 with the introduction of a quality management system according to ISO 9001-2000 and receives 2009 the successful certification to ISO 9001-2008. 2017 re-certification after ISO 9001-2017


The B.E.STAT European ESD competence center starts preparations for certification to ISO 17025. Reports, audits, material qualification and certifications are carried out since then, according to the requirements of ISO 17025.

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