B.E.STAT European ESD competence center
Technical expertise – managing director Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Berndt
Mr. Hartmut Berndt (graduate engineer for “Physics and Electronic Components”) has more than 30 years of professional experience in electronics and electrostatics – influencing electronic components and assemblies by electrostatic stresses
1981 – 1986
Management of the technological center “electrostatics” Dresden / Erfurt
since 1991
Head of Technical Committee 7.3 “ESD” the GMM (VDE / VDI Society for Microelectronics, Microsystems and Precision Engineering)
since 1995/1997
Participation as an expert in national and international standardization bodies (IEC and DIN)
since 2002
Secretary of the Technical Committee TC 101 “Electrostatics” in the IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee)
- Publication of the practical handbook “Electrostatics – causes, effects, precautions, measurements, tests, standardization” in the VDE Series 71, VDE Verlag Offenbach, first edition 1998, fourth edition: 2017
- Publication of the book “ESD protection – standards, concepts and measurement” in expert verlag, first edition 2007, third edition, 2019
- Number of publications in scientific journals and books, as well as lectures (worldwide) on ESD and electronic components
B.E.STAT Elektronik Elektrostatik GmbH
Professional competence – CEO Ing. Uta Berndt
Dipl.-Ing. Uta Berndt can fall back on a more than 20-years of professional experience in the field of ESD and management. She studied “Semiconductor Physics and Technology” at the Technical University in Chemnitz.
- several years of experience as a production manager in a Semiconductor Company
- several years of experience in a company for financial software and processes
- now for more than 20 years of experience as a sales manager of BESTAT Elektronik GmbH electrostatics